





Sorry for the delay. My home Internet wasn't working this morning, I can't access Blogger from work, and Josh has the flu. Good stuff!






Hooray for Draw-Your-Own-Strip week! It's really working out exactly as I'd hoped!

So, even though I've received a ton of strips already (seriously, like, four..t..ine...niner..elevenish), you should keep them coming. I want to make sure I have enough to last the whole week (I totally do already!), but a little extra would be nice. In case my email was typed incorrectly when I posted it earlier this week (not that I think this might be an issue at all), here it is again: carrie_r_allen@yahoo.com.



Josh and I are moving across town on Saturday. Because I plan on being very busy, what with the packing, labeling, cleaning, whining, arguing with Josh, contemplating murder, and keeping the dog from freaking out and peeing on the bed, I won't be posting any new comics this week.

For next week, however, I would like to give you, the fan(s), a chance to have your interpretations of Bluff in the Pines posted for all the world to see. I want you to send me your own Bluff in the Pines strips and drawings, and I will post them next week. I use Microsoft Paint because I'm cheap easy to please, but you can use whatever program or format you prefer. Get your dog to draw one. Get your baby to draw one. Get your creepy uncle to draw one. Also, feel free to take crazy liberties with the strip. Put Carrie in space! Give Josh a mullet! Parallel universes are always fun, give that a try! Email your drawings to carrie_r_allen@yahoo.com.

Have fun and happy drawing!
